Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Walking" interpretada por Idealipsticks. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Walking”
Autor(es) de la letra - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen
Autor(es) de la música - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen
Discos en los que aparece “Walking”
“Humanimal” (CD)
Grupo(s): Idealipsticks
Discográfica(s): Autoedición -
Referencia: ----
Fecha de publicación: 15 de abril de 2013
Letra de “Walking”
The streets are dirty
and my heart is dirty too.
Some people smile
but ain’t nobody knows what to do.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
The streets are dirty
like some ordinary day.
Some people run,
they are all looking for another chance.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
And I don’t know why...
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I don’t wanna breathe another thing
but the smoke in your taste.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I just wanna stay with you
staring into space
every night, every day.
My words are dirty
and my mind is dirty too
but nothing seems to be so hard
when I’m with you.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
I think I’ll keep on walking around you,
you’ll keep on walking around.
And I don’t know why...
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I don’t wanna breathe another thing
but the smoke in your taste.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I just wanna stay with you
staring into space
every night.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I don’t wanna breathe another thing
but the smoke in your taste.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I just wanna stay with you
staring into space
every night, every day.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I don’t wanna breathe another thing
but the smoke in your taste.
Now it’s different,
I don’t care if your love is insane,
I just wanna stay with you
staring into space
every night, every day.
every night, every day.
any way it’s ok.
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