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“The others”, canción de Idealipsticks (Letra e información)

Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "The others" interpretada por Idealipsticks. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.

Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “The others”

Autor(es) de la letra - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen

Autor(es) de la música - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen

Discos en los que aparece “The others”

Portada de Sins & songs (CD).

Discográfica(s): Astro Música / Pop Up Música - Referencia: PUM-012CD / A-136CD
Fecha de publicación:

Portada de Sins & songs (LP de vinilo de 12’’).

Discográfica(s): Astro Música / Pop Up Música - Referencia: PUM-012LP / A-012LP
Fecha de publicación:

Letra de “The others”

Put your feet on a safe place this evening,
dealing with the alligators around.
You can knock on the door
but, baby, nobody is listening.
They can only hear the sound
of the coins in their palms.

But if you want to have fun,
then you’ll have to know
that you’ll only survive
with a heart of stone.

Because they don’t lie,
they never try to hide their smile,
they eat you and fuck you
and play with you
and you have to give ’em thanks.

They don’t regret,
they never will know your name.
And remember, if you want to stay,
that here is always late.

There is a thing we all know
but nobody talks about,
that the light’s only bright
when the stomachs are full.

And the poor and the fools
and the believers don’t count here.
And dreams disappear
as fast as this beautiful view.

Well, if you want to have fun,
then you’ll have to know
that you’ll only survive
with a heart of stone.

Because they don’t lie,
they never try to hide their smile.
They eat you and fuck you
and play with you
and you have to give ’em thanks.

They don’t regret,
they never will know your name.
And remember, if you want to stay,
that here is always late.

They don’t lie,
they never try to hide their smile.
They eat you and fuck you
and play with you
and you have to give ’em thanks.

They don’t regret,
they never will know your name.
And remember, if you want to stay,
that here is always late.

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Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.