Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "I can’t deny it" interpretada por Idealipsticks. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “I can’t deny it”
Autor(es) de la letra - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen
Autor(es) de la música - Eva Ryjlen / Jave Ryjlen
Discos en los que aparece “I can’t deny it”
“Sins & songs” (CD)
Grupo(s): Idealipsticks
Discográfica(s): Astro Música / Pop Up Música -
Referencia: PUM-012CD / A-136CD
Fecha de publicación: 25 de octubre de 2010
“Sins & songs” (LP de vinilo de 12’’)
Grupo(s): Idealipsticks
Discográfica(s): Astro Música / Pop Up Música -
Referencia: PUM-012LP / A-012LP
Fecha de publicación: 25 de octubre de 2010
Vídeo de “I can’t deny it”
Créditos del videoclip oficial
Montaje: Rodrigo Aldegunde y Fernando Aparicio.
Dirección y fotografía: Charlie Aparicio.
Una producción de CATWS, 2010.
Letra de “I can’t deny it”
I know I have been bad and, if you tell me so,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
I know I have been mad and, if you ask me, no,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
There is a light, there is a sound, there is a stone
and, when I wake up, fever has gone.
And when I try to change things, I’m even worse,
I always stumble and fall.
I know that, when you talk to me, I’m not in this world,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
I know I have been mad and, if you ask me, no,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
A word is in my mouth, I can’t control my head,
the day before tomorrow never ends.
’cause people always do what they’re supposed to do,
a fool is always a fool.
This is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think.
I know I’m not the perfect being and maybe I won’t be,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
There are many things that you can do but I don’t,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
’cause, baby, when you talk to me, I’m not in this world,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny it.
I know I have been bad and, if you tell me so, I can’t…
This is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think,
this is just what I think...
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