Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Let me out (radio edit)" interpretada por Dover. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Let me out (radio edit)”
Autor(es) de la letra - Amparo Llanos / Cristina Llanos
Autor(es) de la música - Amparo Llanos / Cristina Llanos
Versión un poco más corta que la aparecida en el álbum y con una letra ligeramente diferente.
Discos en los que aparece “Let me out (radio edit)”
“Let me out” (CD single)
Grupo(s): Dover
Discográfica(s): EMI Music Spain -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 18 de septiembre de 2006
Letra de “Let me out (radio edit)”
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
Waiting by the phone,
oh no!, I haven’t heard the news,
oh no!, I haven’t checked the watch,
oh no!, you’re weighting me down.
Waiting by the phone,
oh no!, I haven’t checked the watch,
oh no!, I haven’t heard the news,
oh no!, you’re weighting me down.
And I know this song
is stealing your thunder.
And I know you’re bringing me down.
Like a roller-coaster
it’s stealing your thunder
and I know you’re weighting me down.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Waiting by the phone,
oh no!, I haven’t heard the news,
oh no!, I haven’t checked the watch,
oh no!, you’re weighting me down.
And I know this song
is stealing your thunder.
And I know you’re bringing me down.
Like a roller-coaster
it’s stealing your thunder
and I know you’re weighting me down.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out,
let me out.
Let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
The phone is ringing,
the clock is ticking,
just let me out.
The phone is ringing,
the world is spinning,
I know.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
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Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.