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“This time could be the last one”, canción de Deluxe (Letra e información)

Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "This time could be the last one" interpretada por Deluxe. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.

Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “This time could be the last one”

Autor(es) de la letra - Xoel López

Autor(es) de la música - Xoel López

Xoel López: Voz, piano, guitarra acústica, bajo, cuerdas, hammond y programación.

Discos en los que aparece “This time could be the last one”

Portada de If things were to go wrong (CD digipack).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación:

Portada de If things were to go wrong (Edición para Japón) (CD).

Discográfica(s): Art Union Records - Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación:

Portada de If things were to go wrong (Reedición con 5 temas extra) (CD).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación:

Letra de “This time could be the last one”

How do you feel when you remember the first time
and it’s the last time?
What can you say now time passes so fast and
there’s no answers?

How did you feel when you killed that man?
When you tell that story again?
Maybe it’s not easy to explain

And your air is getting thin,
your voice has another tone
and you are left there on your own.

I wish you would never had to go away,
but I know she’s waiting,
you’re not gonna be alone.

You are so tired and you think your slide is slow,
but you’ve got to stay just a little more,
you know this time could be the last one.

What do you feel when you see it for the first time
and it could be the last time?
When you thought that she would stay forever
and she’s gone up now?

And your air is getting thin,
your voice has another tone
and you are left there on your own.

How did you feel when you killed that man?
When you tell that story again?
Maybe it’s not easy to explain

I wish you would never had to go away,
but I know she’s waiting,
you’re not gonna be alone.

You are so tired and you think your slide is slow,
but you’ve got to stay just a little more,
you know this time could be the last one ...
you know this time could be the last one ...
you know this time could be the last one ...
you know this time could be the last one ...

Ampliar / corregir Letras de Deluxe

Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.