Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Flowers" interpretada por Deluxe. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Flowers”
Autor(es) de la letra - Xoel López
Autor(es) de la música - Xoel López
Discos en los que aparece “Flowers”
“Looking through the hole” (CD single)
Grupo(s): Deluxe
Discográfica(s): Mushroom Pillow -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Letra de “Flowers”
She took a flower from the fields
to adorn her room, to get the heat.
But when she came back home
there was another one,
but this was far away the sun.
She took a flower from the fields.
(To adorn her room, to get the heat)
She took care of many things.
(And she brought some soil from the fields)
It was so beautiful,
she waters it everyday
as if it was the only one.
One day she came and saw
Oh my god! there was dead on the floor.
One day she’ll find the one
who made change her mind.
She took a flower from the fields
to adorn her room, to get the heat.
But when she came back home
there was another one,
but this was far away the sun.
She took a flower from the fields.
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Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.