Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Sorry" interpretada por Australian Blonde. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Sorry”
Autor(es) de la letra - Australian Blonde
Autor(es) de la música - Australian Blonde
Discos en los que aparece “Sorry”
“Aftershave” (Casete)
Grupo(s): Australian Blonde
Discográfica(s): Subterfuge Records / BMG Ariola -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 1994
“Aftershave” (CD)
Grupo(s): Australian Blonde
Discográfica(s): Subterfuge Records / BMG Ariola -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 1994
“Aftershave” (LP de vinilo de 12’’)
Grupo(s): Australian Blonde
Discográfica(s): Subterfuge Records / BMG Ariola -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 1994
“Miss” (Single de vinilo de 7’’)
Grupo(s): Australian Blonde
Discográfica(s): Subterfuge Records -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 1994
“Sorry” (Single de vinilo de 7’’)
Grupo(s): Australian Blonde
Discográfica(s): Subterfuge Records -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Letra de “Sorry”
In another time before to this
I often had to wait in front of your door
while the night was getting cold
and the stars were making laugh at me.
I only dreamed about your hair,
I only wanted to be there,
with some presents in my hands.
Sorry miss,
but now those things were broken with my tears.
I can feel the electric blue of pain.
Sorry miss,
but now those things they fade away these years,
fade away these years on my own.
Summer season was in high school,
usually the snow felt in my soul
so accustomed to be out of time
like a swallow in Christmas time.
Nothing cares to me, you are out of here,
think ????????????? if you were miss.
I'm waiting you in front of your door.
Sorry miss,
but now those things were broken with my tears.
I can feel the electric blue of pain.
Sorry miss,
but now those things they fade away these years,
the electric blue of pain, the electric blue ...
the electric blue of pain, the electric blue ...
send me a postcard please.
Sorry miss,
but now those things were broken with my tears.
I can feel the electric blue of pain.
Sorry miss,
but now those things they fade away these years,
they fade away these years,
they're broken with my tears,
fade away these years on my own.
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