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“Three small sponge cakes ...”, canción de April Fool’s Day (Letra e información)

Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Three small sponge cakes ..." interpretada por April Fool’s Day. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.

Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Three small sponge cakes ...”

Autor(es) de la letra - ????

Autor(es) de la música - ????

Discos en los que aparece “Three small sponge cakes ...”

Portada de 9th (CD).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación:

Letra de “Three small sponge cakes ...”

Turning the key over twice, a few old songs,
a jacket to keep "The cold of a June’s night" away.
And he don’t know how he has three
small sponge cakes in his pocket.

One hundred steps, more or less,
and eat the first one,
he starts to lose between concrete
and becomes tiny, sounds and music join together.

With the second one on his hand
city angles disappear
and it embraces him strong.
It takes him to the escape.

Tall house’s walls put pressure on him
and once he was alone
the ceiling became the new bedmate.
Maybe it’s time to turn the page over.

The last one changes lights and sounds
for low angle view images
and anaesthetizes gently the pressure
of invisible hands on his chest.

Tall house’s walls put pressure on him
and once he was alone
the ceiling became the new bedmate.
Maybe it’s time to turn the page over.

Coming back home
wondering about the strange
anaesthesia of small sponge cakes.
Three small sponge cakes.

Tall house’s walls put pressure on him
and once he was alone
the ceiling became the new bedmate.
Maybe it’s time to turn the page over.

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Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.