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“You set the scene”, canción de La Habitación Roja (Letra e información)

Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "You set the scene" interpretada por La Habitación Roja. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.

Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “You set the scene”

Autor(es) de la letra - Arthur Lee

Autor(es) de la música - Arthur Lee

Esta canción es una versión de “You set the scene”, canción interpretada originalmente por Love.

Discos en los que aparece “You set the scene”

Portada de Unloved again - Tribute to Forever changes (CD).

Discográfica(s): Grabaciones en el Mar / Caroline - Referencia: GELMAR 125
Fecha de publicación:

Portada de Ciudad dormitorio (CD-EP).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación:

Letra de “You set the scene”

Where are you walking?
I’ve seen you walking,
have you been there before?

Walk down your doorsteps,
you’ll take some more steps,
what did you take them for?

There’s a private in my boat and he wears
pins instead of medals on his coat.
There’s a chicken in my nest
and she won’t lay until I’ve given her my best.

At her request she asks for nothing,
you get nothing in return,
if you want she brings you water,
if you don’t then you will burn.

You go through changes,
it may seem strange,
is this what you’re put here for?

You think you’re happy
and you are happy,
that’s what you’re happy for.

There’s a man who can’t decide if he should
fight for what his father thinks is right.
There are people wearing frowns who’ll screw you up,
but they would rather screw you down.

At my request I ask for nothing,
you get nothing in return,
if you’re nice she’ll bring me water,
if you’re not then I will burn.

This is the time and life that I am living
and I’ll face each day with a smile
for the time that I’ve been given, such a little while,
and the things that I must do consist of more than style,
there are places that I am going ...

This is the only thing that I am sure of,
and that’s, all that lives is gonna die
and there’ll always be some people here to wonder why,
and for every happy hello, there will be goodbye.
There’ll be time for you to put yourself on ...

Everything I’ve seen needs rearranging
and for anyone who thinks it’s strange,
then you should be the first to want to make this change
and for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
do you like the part you’re playing?

I see your picture,
it’s in the same old frame,
we meet again.

You look so lovely,
you with the same old smile,
stay for a while.

I need you so ...
and if you take it easy
I’m still teething,
I wanna love you, but ...

This is the time and life that I am living
and I’ll face each day with a smile
for the time that I’ve been given, such a little while,
and the things that I must do consist of more than style.
There’ll be time for you to start all over ...

This is the time and this is the time and this is the time,
time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time, time ...

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