Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "You’ve got too much (We’ve got nothing at all)" interpretada por Deluxe. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “You’ve got too much (We’ve got nothing at all)”
Autor(es) de la letra - Xoel López
Autor(es) de la música - Xoel López
Xoel López: Voz, guitarra eléctrica y hammond.
Juan Gil: Piano y programación.
Óscar Álvarez: Bajo.
Discos en los que aparece “You’ve got too much (We’ve got nothing at all)”
“If things were to go wrong” (CD digipack)
Grupo(s): Deluxe
Discográfica(s): Mushroom Pillow -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: 04 de marzo de 2003
“If things were to go wrong (Edición para Japón)” (CD)
Grupo(s): Deluxe
Discográfica(s): Art Union Records -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: noviembre de 2003
“If things were to go wrong (Reedición con 5 temas extra)” (CD)
Grupo(s): Deluxe
Discográfica(s): Mushroom Pillow -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: marzo de 2004
Letra de “You’ve got too much (We’ve got nothing at all)”
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all.
You won’t save us with your money
and it seems as if you won’t find us a job.
Won’t appreciate our creations
but I hate all those stupid things you love.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You support stupid inventions,
you create and then we’ve got to destroy.
God is an answer for your problems
but I can’t believe and I can’t share your joy.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’re always showing all your fortune,
and it’s true, you live another reality.
Could we ever have great expectations?
Could we ever find job security?
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all.
You won’t save us with your money
and it seems as if you won’t find us a job.
Won’t appreciate our creations
but I hate all those stupid things you love.
’cause you’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all.
You’ve got too much.
We’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all,
we’ve got nothing at all ...
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