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“Three months of glory”, canción de Deluxe (Letra e información)

Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Three months of glory" interpretada por Deluxe. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.

Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Three months of glory”

Autor(es) de la letra - Xoel López

Autor(es) de la música - Xoel López

Xoel López: Voz, bajo, sint. FM7, sint. Juno X2, cuerdas y programación.
Ricardo Saavedra: Guitarra eléctrica.
José Martínez: Batería.

Discos en los que aparece “Three months of glory”

Portada de If things were to go wrong (CD digipack).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
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Portada de If things were to go wrong (Edición para Japón) (CD).

Discográfica(s): Art Union Records - Referencia: ????
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Portada de If things were to go wrong (Reedición con 5 temas extra) (CD).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
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Portada de El juego de la verdad (Banda sonora original) (CD).

Discográfica(s): - Referencia: ????
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Letra de “Three months of glory”

If we think back
seven years ago
when we were three,
when we were young,
thought we had been
through everything
but we were strangers.

We created the sauce,
we stole lamps,
and we called John
several times
’cause after all
we didn’t mind,
didn’t mind the danger.

Those happy days won’t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don’t speak too much
about those days of glory.

The people are
not what we thought.
We were talking
about it before,
but madness juice
makes us strong
and forget the danger.

We were three guys
and it were three months,
and we were free
’cause we were three,
so you and I
still trying to find
just what we lost.

Those happy days won’t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don’t speak too much
about those days of glory.

If we think back
seven years ago
when we were three,
when we were young,
thought we had been
through everything
but we were strangers.

We were three guys
and it were three months,
and we were free
’cause we were three,
so you and I
still trying to find
just what we lost.

Those happy days won’t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don’t speak too much
about those days of glory.

Those happy days won’t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don’t speak too much
about those days of glory.

Those happy days won’t back again.
Now we had been through everything,
now we don’t speak too much,
glory ...

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Licencia de la letra: Los posibles derechos sobre la letra de la canción corresponden a sus propietarios, NO a Musicoscopio. En esta página, se reproduce la letra con fines informativos.