Esta página pretende recopilar todo tipo de información sobre la canción "Pink triangle (Rockaway sessions 2012)" interpretada por Airbag. Además de su letra, también aparecerá información sobre el autor o los autores, sobre los discos en los que está incluido este tema, sobre la grabación del mismo, sobre versiones a cargo de otros grupos... Si encuentras errores o tienes información adicional, puedes ayudar a completar esta información.
Autores, versiones, ediciones... de “Pink triangle (Rockaway sessions 2012)”
Autor(es) de la letra - Rivers Cuomo
Autor(es) de la música - Rivers Cuomo
Esta canción es una versión de “Pink triangle”, canción interpretada originalmente por Weezer.
Discos en los que aparece “Pink triangle (Rockaway sessions 2012)”
“Rockaway sessions” (EP digital)
Grupo(s): Airbag
Discográfica(s): Wild Punk Records -
Referencia: ????
Fecha de publicación: noviembre de 2012
Créditos del videoclip oficial
Rockaway Studios y Perrillos Verdes presentan “Pink triangle” en directo en Rockaway Studios.
Cámaras: Adam Brenes, Aniflu Hunter, Daniel Alonso, Óscar Pérez y Pablo Serrano.
Edición: Airbag.
Sonido: Alberto Lucendo y Coky Ordóñez.
Grabado en Rockaway Studios (Castellón) -
Producido por Perrillos Verdes.
Wild Punk Records, 2012.
Letra de “Pink triangle (Rockaway sessions 2012)”
When I’m stable long enough,
I start to look around for love.
See a sweet in floral print,
my mind begins the arrangements.
When I start to feel that pull,
turns out I just pulled myself.
She would never go with me
were I the last girl on earth.
I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian,
I thought I had found the one.
We were good as married in my mind
but married in my mind’s no good.
Oh... a pink triangle on her sleeve
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth.
Might have smoked a few in my time
but never thought it was a crime.
Knew the day would surely come
when I’d chill and settle down.
When I think I’ve found a good old-fashioned girl,
then she put me in my place.
If everyone’s a little queer,
can’t she be a little straight?
I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian,
I thought I had found the one.
We were good as married in my mind
but married in my mind’s no good.
Oh... a pink triangle on her sleeve
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth.
I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian,
I thought I had found the one.
We were good as married in my mind
but married in my mind’s no good.
Oh... a pink triangle on her sleeve
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth.
I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian,
I thought I had found the one.
We were good as married in my mind
but married in my mind’s no good.
Oh... a pink triangle on her sleeve
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth,
let me know the truth.
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